Friday, 19 October 2012

Kitties Do It For Themselves

In my book, Kaleidoscope, I wrote,
The cats gave me a seriously disdainful look, as only cats know how to do.   Tucking their heads back up their bums, shielding their eyes from the light with their tails, they cuddled up once again between my knees.   Which, if you must know, were spread apart in a very, very unladylike fashion.   But we do what we must for the kitties.

And how true - we do what we must for the kitties.

Which is why I found myself packing away the applique work I was doing because my darling white furry baby, Ponchielli, decided my scrap box was just too good to pass up on!

She spent the entire day sleeping on scraps I'd saved from projects such as the Sewing Mat and Caddy I made to pop under my Bernina and the Halloween Mug Rugs which you can see in the photo at left.

So I'm working on a bell pull for Christmas.  I've never made one before, but I've always admired the one my Mom-in-Law made years ago.  It will have angels and wise men and the baby Jesus in the manger.  I'm thinking of embroidering some words like Noel and Peace on it too, but we'll see as I get stitching this weekend.

Here's a sneak preview of the Angel block - what do you think?  I'd love to have you post comments (good and bad) as constructive criticism is exactly what makes digitizers like myself do better work for our customers.

I do hope you all have a great weekend sewing and embroidering, quilting and crafting!

Speak to you all soon!

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