Monday, 4 March 2013

Saving the Rhino

When I started typing this post's heading, Saving the Rhino, I typed in Whino by mistake!  Or was that a Freudian slip of note?  I must say, I am rather partial to a glass of wine or two, and I honestly try not to whine, so I had a good giggle to myself and thought, well there you are, Patricia, it's a note to remind you to have a glass of wine tonight and not whine about anything at all!

Which I will do (have the glass of wine), and of course I must whine about what's happening to our beautiful pre-historic big beautiful beasts called Rhino.

We're not even into the third month of the year and already over 200 rhino have been poached.  At this rate our children will only learn about them from the photographs you and I have taken on our safari's.  And even then, we've been extremely fortunate to have spotted one.

Save The Rhino purse made in the hoop

So, this month, I have digitized a sweet Save The Rhino purse which is made IN THE HOOP and would be perfect for any young one to carry pencils, cash, marbles (do they still play marbles I wonder?) or just about anything else in this little clutch.

And because you're going to purchase the pattern and make one from Sew 'n Sew (aren't ya?!), I will donate the proceeds to the Save The Rhino Foundation.  They need all the help they can get to keep our big beasts around for your children and grandchildren to view - in the wild.

So here's to helping us Save The Rhino.

Love from Sunny South Africa!