Wednesday, 5 September 2012

All About Me

I joined a wonderful group of inspired writers about three months ago.  We each published our works on in the Kindle Store on 1 September 2012.

I love a good laugh and I love a good joke.  Mostly I love a good story.  But I found writing a novel to be quite complex.  I lost the plot (literally) and the characters took on a life of their own; some of them just irritating me no end!

So I went back to the drawing board and wrote a memoir.

I'd love for you to go take a look at it in the Amazon store and read the 'click to look inside" section.
And then, if you would, please leave a comment and a 'like' if you liked it.

So appreciated!

So here's the link.

By the way - typical blonde that I am, when uploading it, I put hubby Peter as the author... why?  I have no idea!  But the good news is, if you don't like it, then he's to blame!  Hahahaha!

Monday, 3 September 2012

Monthly Project Club September 2012

HAPPY SPRING DAY! To those in the Southern Hemisphere!  I do hope it was a great day for you.

I spent the day trying to upload the new Monthly Project Club to but, being blonde, it took me a while to figure out why I couldn't access my data... my son had removed my hard drive which I store it all on!  He's a typical IT guy - puts things in, takes 'em out and never remembers to warn me. 
Anyway, I managed to, at least, send a note to my members explaining that it was available for download :)  and so far, touch wood (hand on head), no-one's sent me an email saying 'where's my project then?'

Using mola inspired designs

So, here it is... and what do you think? 
If you'd like to see more, click on the photo - it'll take you to's projects.

Please leave a comment for me - I love knowing what others think of my work.  I also take constructive criticism very well ... it's for my own benefit... so hit me, friends!
Happy sewing!
PS: If you want to learn how to dye your own fabric (like the blue in the project), click here